Ollie is a 1 year old intact male miniature Australian Shepherd mix with zest for life. Ollie and his Mom and human brother were visiting family for the weekend. Ollie is very smart, energetic and fast and when Ollie saw an open door and freedom he ran! Ollie raced from the house and collided with an on-coming car. Thankfully, Dr. Michelle Meyer at Serenity Animal Hospital recognized not only the severe lacerations and abrasions on Ollie’s legs but that he was having trouble breathing. Dr. Meyer diagnosed pneumothorax (air outside the lungs), performed life-saving decompression and stabilized Ollie. Because of Dr. Meyer’s care and with the help of the Michigan Animal Health Foundation Companion Animal Fund, Ollie is recuperating at home and expected to make a full recovery. Dr. Meyer discussed the importance of castrating intact male dogs with Ollie’s family and that having Ollie neutered would diminish his urge to run! Michigan Animal Health Foundation is grateful to Dr. Meyer’s for her life saving care, client education, and application to the Companion Animal Fund on Ollie’s behalf. Ollie’s brother hopes to practice veterinary medicine one day and has been instrumental in Ollie’s care, performing bandage changes and administering Ollie’s medications. We look forward to hearing from Ollie’s human brother in a few years when he attends Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Go Green!