The Michigan Animal Health Foundation (MAHF) is the non-profit arm for the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, created to allow those who love animals an opportunity to donate money to help animal health and well-being. Since 1977, the foundation has funded 42 pioneering research and educational grants.
The foundation trustees and MVMA Board of Directors recently changed our funding and fundraising model in order to support MVMA veterinarians and pets in need while continuing to fund grants. MAHF’s new Companion Animal Fund will be accepting applications sometime in early 2017. We will be providing financial assistance, up to $500 per animal, to clinics treating companion animals of clients under the federal poverty level, on Medicaid, or on WIC (Women Infants & Children).
Currently we are seeking sponsorship to help name our fund. If you or someone you know would like to help with this initiative, please let us know. Watch for the new MAHF website and promotional material which will be available for you and your clinic in early 2017. For more information, please contact
Ryan Carpenter, DVM
Chair, Michigan Animal Health Foundation